Learn To Program Tic-Tac-Toe with C# and Visual Studio (Udemy.com)

Build a complete desktop game in Winforms using Visual studio and C#.NET on Windows!

Created by: Mohammad El-Haj

Produced in 2017

What you will learn

  • Learn the basics of building a WinForms Application on Windows using C#
  • Build a fully functional Tic Tac To Game as a Windows Application in C#
  • Learn how to build game logic and develop simple games

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 96 / 100

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Course Description

Are you curious to learn what it takes to build a game with Visual C# on Windows?

If you say yes then I am hoping you will find this course as exciting as it is informational.
  • The techniques you need to build a complete Tic Tac Toe game with Visual C# on Windows
  • Understand how to use WinForms and how to create desktop applications using C#
  • How to prompt the user for messages and how to use MessageBox API
  • How to load images and display images using WinForms
You have 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy, so there is nothing to lose! I made my best efforts to provide high quality content and to make this both useful and fun to watch.

Let's get started today! Enroll now!
  • Over 10 lectures of video content
  • Complete Tic-Tac-Toe Project in C# on Windows
  • Understand how to write efficient C# code
  • Learn how Windows applications work
This course DOES NOT teach AI and it is only a basic game for two players. You won't learn how to make the computer as one of the players as part of this course.
  • Basic knowledge of C# (or any similar language like C/C++, Java....etc)
  • Basic understanding of loops, functions, variables and if conditions...
  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Visual Studio installation Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (Recommended) or Newer
  • This course is an easy step by step instructions to build a simple Windows application in C#
  • Anyone with some basic knowledge on Programming

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Instructor Details

Mohammad El-Haj

Hi there!
My name is Mohammad and I have a degree in computer sciences and have been working as a professional software engineer since 1995. I wrote my first program in GW-BASIC when I was 14 years old and since then I knew that I wanna grow up to become a programmer as it is the love and passion of my life!
I also started teaching Visual C/C++ and Visual Basic back in 1997 and that is when I learned how much I enjoy teaching and helping others!
I lived in Seattle for 17 years to work for Microsoft so I can learn from the best in the industry! I spent 9 years at Microsoft as a senior software engineer and then became curious to try out other companies in USA so I can keep on growing and learning...
Over 20 years of my career, I worked with many companies from startups to medium size companies like Citrix and to big companies like Microsoft. During that time, I learned so many languages and technologies from Visual Basic, C/C++, Win32, ATL, COM, Python, Java, Javascript, C# and .NET and many more. I built Windows applications, mobile applications, built some websites and built games using Unity and many other tools. I like to share my experience and help others become professional developers as well.
I mentored, lead and managed many developers in my career and successfully helped ship many products including V 1.0 products like Microsoft Office Communicator ( aka Lync or Skype for Business). When I found out about Udemy, I was immediately hooked as a student, b



21 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

thank you very much it helped me a lot

Although the project was simple, it was a great starting course. For some reason, I had to rearrange the code in OnClick to check the winner after changing the turn, or it was always requiring an extra click to bring up the proper test.

Simple and good project for me and my kids with no experience. Thanks, wish there was more of this courses.Can recommend this course.

One of the first things stated is that this is not teaching to Code C#. But then why is the author wasting time on showing people how to download and install visual studio. Also, from the intro, it looks like this is player vs player.....score will increase if there is some player vs computer AI, which is the reason I bought this.

I really enjoyed this course, everything was explained clearly, the only thing was that i enrolled in this course hoping that the game would have used the computer as the second player and have some sort of AI to allow the computer to play realistically and know what spaces to move into to win the game. This is something i would have really liked to learn how to code.

I already learned java and had experience with console apps, so I needed some course that shows how Visual Studio works and how to create windows form apps. This is a simple programme example so don't expect to become an engineer after doing this, but it's nice for beginners.

Do not worry Muhammad your efforts will see God, Prophet and the believers, You with each-nice! And asked to do good deeds, and ignorant stay away!From me all the best, excellent, an the tutorial.

Very easy to follow course. I didn't have any C# coding or similar coding language experience (although use VBA and other coding software a lot), however found that I could still build the app. Will definitely look at more courses and this was a very useful introduction for me.

The course was clear and easy to understand to anyone that has some level of experience with C#. If you have no experience you will still be able to follow the course and finish the game but you wouldn't understand what you are doing. Excellent short tutorial!

Good introductory course on how to create a simple form game, useful to understand how to start creating in VS 2015. This is not a C# course and you should understand some C# in order to understand why form elements are coded the way they are.

This is a great introduction to creating a simple application in C# using Microsoft's free version of their Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). Moe's instruction is clear, easy to understand, easy to follow, and the resulting program does exactly what he said it would, with minimal code. The instructor is also very responsive to questions and feedback. Thanks, Moe!

Easy to understand, explained pretty well. Author sharing useful interesting knowledge. Well organized course.