Loren Terveen

Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher

Most Recent Review

The course (the set of 4 courses) started out SO good. The pace was quick, content and format engaging, and it showed you from the perspective of "hey, this is what we are looking at in real life, here are the pros and cons to look for, etc". It was great! By course 3 it was getting so bogged down with BLAH BLAH BLAH that I could hardly see straight. Suddenly we went from engaging content to mind-numbing boredom. The kind where keeping your eyes open, or even clicking that 'next video' link, was enough to set your whole body into a rigor mortis of NOOOOOOOOOOO. : ( Which is really disappointing because UI/UX is interesting!! Basically this went from hands on tech-vocational training to the doldrums of a standard school format (which is proven ineffective and doesn't give you the skills you need - you have to learn those AFTER you complete the schooling)The videos just seemed to go on and on in this way. I lost all concept of gaining knowledge and it became a marathon of trying to inch my way forward and to hit the finish line. I don't understand how we went from such a strong start to what came after. Course 1 was the best. I was really excited about everything. Then over time it's like the content just sort of got left to drift and fall flat and not just be TO-THE-POINT. Overall some of the content was still A+ but just lost in the way content was approached/delivered. I truly believe this could be fixed and the course could be stellar throughout.
- Review by Kris M

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Instructor Bio

Loren Terveen is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota. Before joining the University of Minnesota, he received his PhD in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin, and then spent 11 years at AT&T Labs / Bell Labs. Terveen is an expert in the areas of human-computer interaction and social computing. He has published over 100 scientific papers, holds 9 patents, has advised several startup companies, consulted on intellectual property cases, and has held many leadership positions in his profession, including serving as President of ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction. Terveen's current areas of research emphasis are: peer production systems and the quantitative analysis of social media data. He has led projects that have: revealed new information about how valuable content is created on Wikipedia, produced and deployed new interface designs to enhance participation in online communities, developed a new location-based messaging system, combined wiki and geographical information systems technologies to create novel interfaces that let people enter and access information about places in their local communities, and created the first fully functional geographical wiki. In all his work, he seeks to use knowledge gained from empirical studies to build novel systems that solve real problems.

Loren Terveen's Core Subjects

  • adobe experience design
  • interaction design
  • java